General Presentation

This "journée thématique" on network stacks and their implementations will feature two invited conferences and include presentations from PhD students from the community.

The theme can be understood in a broad sense, which includes:

  • protocol design,
  • software engineering for network development,
  • "secure by design" implementation,
  • tests,
  • fuzzing,
  • formal methods,
  • supervision.

The event is co-organized by threes GDR: GDR RSD, GDR GPL (groupe de travail GL_Sec) and GDR Sécurité Informatique (groupe de travail SSLR).

The event will take place in the "espace Dupanloup", in the center of Orléans. 

Two keynotes will be proposed during this day.

La gestion de la sécurité dans le Bluetooth BLE (Keynote in French)

Après une introduction à l'architecture et au vocabulaire du protocole Bluetooth BLE, les mécanismes de sécurisation mise en œuvre dans les couches protocolaires seront exposés.

Bio : Samuel ROUXEL est titulaire d'un doctorat en électronique et informatique industrielle de l'Université Bretagne Sud depuis 2006. Après un court post-doctorat au laboratoire de recherche CNRS Lab-STICC, il a rejoint CRESITT Industrie en 2007. Aujourd'hui chef de projet électronique, il est spécialisé dans les systèmes électroniques embarqués. Il maîtrise la conception matérielle de cartes électroniques, le développement logiciel de firmware pour microcontrôleur, microprocesseur et SOC. Il sait également implémenter et utiliser GNU Linux sur microcontrôleur. Il a travaillé sur plusieurs technologies de communication et protocoles radio. La cybersécurité étant devenue un élément incontournable des solutions électroniques, il s'intéresse également à ce sujet à ses implémentations et aux régulations existantes et à venir.

Hardening of P2P networks' stack against the Sybil attack: history, good practices and current state

Since the early days of public P2P networked systems, the Sybil attack has been identified as a major threat to their smooth operation, particularly in systems implementing a Distributed Hash Table. Several mitigation mechanisms have been proposed, and at the same time, attacks have become more refined. While the Sybil attack is still difficult to completely avoid, a few common rules can make it harder for attackers and should be implemented by developers of such systems. This talk will present a brief history of Sybil attack research, list some effective preventive measures that should be integrated into any P2P network stack, and discuss a recent iteration of the Sybil attack on IPFS/libp2p, a modern iteration of P2P networking.

Bio: Thibault Cholez is an Associate Professor at the University of Lorraine, where he works with the Inria RESIST research team in the area of network management. He also teaches at TELECOM Nancy, an engineering school. Thibault earned his PhD in Computer Science from Université Henri-Poincaré in 2011. His research focuses on the monitoring and management of various traffic types for performance and security means. This includes P2P networks, encrypted web traffic, Information-Centric Networking, and low-latency services. He has participated in several national and European collaborative research projects and contributed to over 50 scientific publications.

Organization Committee and Acknowledgments

The event is organized by the following committee:

  • Jérémy Briffaut, INSA Centre-Val-de-Loire, LIFO
  • Frédéric Dabrowski, Université d'Orléans, LIFO
  • Olivier Levillain, Télécom SudParis, Samovar
  • Romaric Ludinard, IMT Atlantique, IRISA
  • Benjamin Nguyen, INSA Centre-Val-de-Loire, LIFO
  • Salah Sadou, Université de Bretagne Sud, IRISA

The organizers would also like to thank Isabelle Renard (Université d'Orléans, LIFO) and Marie-France Grandisson (ENS Paris-Saclay, LMF) for the logistics support.

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