Call for Contributions

We invite all PhD students whose work is about network stacks in general, whichever year they are currently in, to present their results and discuss about their work.

The goal is first to allow students to get feedback on their work, their results, or the ideas they plan to develop, and also to give the community a landscape of the ongoing research directions on the theme.

Submission Instructions

We are expecting one-page submissions using the PDF format, to be submitted via the SciencesConf interface (you first need to create an account on the web site).  The proposal must contain a title, the name of the speakers with their affiliations, the content (context, problem description, approach, results) and a short bibliography (3-4 most relevant references).  The description can be:

  • the presentation of an accepted or submitted paper;
  • the presentation of the PhD subject (for first-year students);
  • a demonstration of a tool developed during a PhD.

Submissions (and presentations) can be in French or in English.  If the authors agree, the submitted document and the slides can be published after the conference on the SciencesConf website.

The selected proposals will be presented during a short time slot (15 to 20 minutes, including questions) on September 30th.

Importantes Dates

Submission Deadline: September 13th 18th 2024
Author Notification: Septembre 18th 20th 2024

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